ONLINE Behind the Razor Wired Fence by King Steelo (Goodreads Author) android library sale book ebay

ONLINE Behind the Razor Wired Fence by King Steelo (Goodreads Author) android library sale book ebay

ONLINE Behind the Razor Wired Fence by King Steelo (Goodreads Author) android library sale book ebay

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Book description
There are 2 sides to every story. In a court of law there is the prosecutor and defense. In a police report, there is the victim and the alleged criminal. In a domestic dispute, there’s the husband’s side and the wife’s side. When it’s all said and done whomevers side isn’t believed by a judge or jury, will end up Behind the Razor Wired Fence. Do you really believe that justice prevails every time?In prison every inmate has a story to tell or as we say ‘an Ep.’ in reality these Eps are just soliloquies. A soliloquie is a dramatic monologue that represents unspoken reflections by characters. Believe me - in prison you’ll meet characters in all shapes and sizes. Most will swear they’re innocent and others will admit their guilt, but only to a certain extent.Do you really believe crime pays? Is it worth being away from your loved ones for a certain amount of time because you made a stupid decision? Take a journey with me as I share 20 soliloquies about the prisoners I’m surrounded by 24/7. Some will make you feel sympathetic. Others will make you realize they really belong here. Last, but not least - you will realize that you yourself could be wearing our shoes one day. So if you cherish your freedom, read this book. Then do everything in your power to not end up Behind the Razor Wired Fence. It’s rock bottom - the place you never want to be.
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