ONLINE Backseat A-B-See by Maria van Lieshout (Goodreads Author) online iBooks offline eng free

ONLINE Backseat A-B-See by Maria van Lieshout (Goodreads Author) online iBooks offline eng free

ONLINE Backseat A-B-See by Maria van Lieshout (Goodreads Author) online iBooks offline eng free

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Book description
Vroom! Vroom! From the backseat, what do you see? Whether on a cross-country road trip or a quick jaunt across town, theres no end to what a child can see from the backseat of a car. Using familiar road signs, this striking book introduces little ones not just to the alphabet but also to the world around them. Equally perfect for transportation-obsessed children and those just learning to read, this fresh and dynamic picture book will entertain and educate at home, in the classroom, and on the go.
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