ONLINE Apache Rampage by J.T. Edson acquire eng value book ios

ONLINE Apache Rampage by J.T. Edson acquire eng value book ios

ONLINE Apache Rampage by J.T. Edson acquire eng value book ios

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Book description
JT has a habit of reversing the roles of traditional western stereotypes. Here the good women of the town are self-righteous and mercilessly force others out into the path of the Apaches while the bad show-woman and her daughters are generous and willing to risk their lives to return and help defend the ungrateful town. Dusty and the floating outfit try to warn the town of what is coming but the marshal/mayor and citizens are too arrogant to listen. Initially the floating outfit decide to leave the town to its fate and take their chances with the show folks in the open. A chance meeting with an army patrol led by old friend Sergeant Paddy M. (from The Rushers) however gives Dusty enough of a fighting force to return and try to save the town. The carelessness of the townspeople leave them outgunned and undermanned and only a miracle can save them. But if anyone can pull of a miracle its Dusty Fog.
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