ONLINE After Finitude: An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency by Quentin Meillassoux selling mobile read italian txt

ONLINE After Finitude: An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency by Quentin Meillassoux selling mobile read italian txt

ONLINE After Finitude: An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency by Quentin Meillassoux selling mobile read italian txt

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Book description
It is no exaggeration to say that Quentin Meillassoux has opened up a new path in the history of philosophy, understood here as the history of what it is to know ... This remarkable critique of critique is introduced here without embellishment, cutting straight to the heart of the matter in a particularly clear and logical manner. It allows the destiny of thought to be the absolute once more.This work is one of the most important to appear in continental philosophy in recent years and deserves a wide readership at the earliest possible date ... Après la finitude is an important book of philosophy by an authnted emerging voices in continental thought. Quentin Meillassoux deserves our close attention in the years to come and his book deserves rapid translation and widespread discussion in the English-speaking world. There is nothing like it.—Graham Harman in Philosophy TodayThe exceptional lucidity and the centrality of argument in Meillassouxs writing should appeal to analytic as well as continental philosophers, while his critique of fideism will be of interest to anyone preoccupied by the relation between philosophy, theology and religion. Meillassoux introduces a startlingly novel philosophical alternative to the forced choice between dogmatism and critique. After Finitude proposes a new alliance between philosophy and science and calls for an unequivocal halt to the creeping return of religiosity in contemporary philosophical discourse.
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