ONLINE Accidental Love by B.L. Miller (Goodreads Author) fb2 online free

ONLINE Accidental Love by B.L. Miller (Goodreads Author) fb2 online free

ONLINE Accidental Love by B.L. Miller (Goodreads Author) fb2 online free

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Book description
BL Miller sure knows how to write a dramatic love story. This book has the characteristics of a traditional romance: the heroine growing up under unfortunate circumstances due to status, money, broken family, etc. which leaves her vulnerable, and there’s a Knight in Shining Armor that rides in to save the day. Except, the “Knight” in Accidental Love has a dark secret. You’ll be at the edge of your seat for this one.This novel is lengthier than most in the genre, and you’ll experience a lot of highs and lows through the past and present of both characters. Financially, the characters are from opposite ends of the spectrum. Veronica’s got the big bucks and Rose hardly has two dimes to rub together. But both have a common history of having people in their lives take advantage of their generosity. This makes the reciprocation of love and affection between Rose and Veronica that much more sweet and genuine. Accidental Love is a novel that’s emotionally rich and readers experience the depth of feeling from both character from the trials and tribulations they face.Oh, and I’d like to mention that there’s a cute cat in the novel. Everyone knows that lesbians luuuuurve cats. I can say that because I fit that stereotype to the tee. And don’t even get my started on (byname for cat) jokes. I could literally go on forever. Meeeeee-yowwwww!The story’s great, the characters are well developed, the sex scenes will make you blush, and there are enough twists in the plot line that will keep you interested from Chapter 1 to Chapter 27. Just make sure your air-conditioner works before you turn the cover to the first page.
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