ONLINE A Shot in the Bark: A Dog Park Mystery by C.A. Newsome (Goodreads Author) pocket iphone book free get

ONLINE A Shot in the Bark: A Dog Park Mystery by C.A. Newsome (Goodreads Author) pocket iphone book free get

ONLINE A Shot in the Bark: A Dog Park Mystery by C.A. Newsome (Goodreads Author) pocket iphone book free get

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Book description
Would you recognize a serial killer if you talked to one every day? Artist Lia Anderson doesn’t, and neither does anyone else who frequents the Mount Airy Dog Park. But a violent death brings Detective Peter Dourson into the close-knit group, and he is convinced someone is not who they seem. As the investigation uncovers secrets, Lia struggles to cope with warring emotions while a killer watches and plans. (about 60,000 words)
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