ONLINE A Circle of Stones by Erynn Rowan Laurie kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

ONLINE A Circle of Stones by Erynn Rowan Laurie kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

ONLINE A Circle of Stones by Erynn Rowan Laurie kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

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Book description
A Circle of Stones, originally published in 1995, offers a unique approach to meditation and Otherworld journeying in a Celtic Pagan context through the use of prayer beads as a focus for understanding early Gaelic cosmology and ways to journey through its three realms of land, sea, and sky. With chapters on ritual, altars, journeying, and communicating with deities, this short book has provided seekers with tools for their spiritual work for nearly twenty years. This new edition offers a much improved pronunciation guide for the Irish and Scots Gaelic in the text, and a new foreword that offers context for the books historical place in the emergence of Celtic Reconstructionist Pagan spirituality.
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