ONLINE A Bond for the Holidays by Lee Tobin McClain (Goodreads Author) apple francais wiki writer online

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Book description
A terrible secret revealed... Emily and Robert have been happily married for eighteen years, but a secret stands between them... and just before Christmas, the truth comes out. Their comfortable family blows apart, and it takes a Christmastime trip to the Covenant Schools new farm--and a whole lot of praying--to keep them together for the holidays, and just maybe, to find a new level of happiness and meaning forever. This Christian romance novella stands alone, but it also follows up on Before the Bond, a short story available only to Lees newsletter subscribers. Visit her website,, to sign up and get the story. The Sacred Bond series of Christian romance novels follows a group of young near-delinquents, introduced in A CHRISTMAS BOND. Following the example of their mentor, John Moretti, they make a vow to protect those less fortunate. Mark, Robert and Emilys son, connects with the Covenant School boys and joins in their bond. Read this Christmas novella to see how that connection happens.
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