OFFLINE xoxoxo by Bethany Lopez (Goodreads Author) ebook flibusta book access epub

OFFLINE xoxoxo by Bethany Lopez (Goodreads Author) ebook flibusta book access epub

OFFLINE xoxoxo by Bethany Lopez (Goodreads Author) ebook flibusta book access epub

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Book description
Melissa has learned a lot since her freshman year began, but it isnt over yet! Her world is about to change again with the birth of her new sibling, and she has to figure out how she will adjust to being the eldest of five kids. She, Jess, and Jimmy are inseparable, and she is having a fantastic time although she cant help but miss Brian as she tries to learn how to deal with his relationship with Layla. Everything seems to be happening at once and that is when she is introduced to Ben Campbell, a senior at Dearborn High, who becomes an interesting distraction as he helps her deal with the new developments in her life.The Stories about Melissa series is a coming of age series that follows Melissa, her family, and her friends. Similar to Sweet Valley High, each book is novella length. There will be eight books in the series.Stories about Melissa reading order:Ta Ta for Now!xoxoxoCiaoTTYLWith LoveAdios ~ Coming Dec 16th.
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