OFFLINE Under the Huang Jiao Tree: Two Journeys in China by Jane Carswell iphone kindle cheap free shop

OFFLINE Under the Huang Jiao Tree: Two Journeys in China by Jane Carswell iphone kindle cheap free shop

OFFLINE Under the Huang Jiao Tree: Two Journeys in China by Jane Carswell iphone kindle cheap free shop

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Book description
In mid-life Jane Carswell leaves her seemingly tranquil New Zealand life, her family and friends, to teach English in Chongqing, China. Her journey into the unknown epitomises the ache so many of us feel in our own lives for new challenges and personal understandings. Under the Huang Jiao Tree is a reflective, amusing and absorbing book about living and working in China, and the profound impact the experience has on the authors search for connection and community. Carswell writes beautifully and entertainingly of China, of its people and her surprises and setbacks, but where her memoir stands alone is in its description of her own search for a spiritual life and practice. On her return to her Western life she becomes drawn to the teachings of St Benedict, and all at once the reader realises where the purity of her writing springs from: a deep well of calm, silence and belief.
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