OFFLINE Twelve World Teachers: A Summary of Their Lives and Teachings by Manly P. Hall pocket touch review download kindle

OFFLINE Twelve World Teachers: A Summary of Their Lives and Teachings by Manly P. Hall pocket touch review download kindle

OFFLINE Twelve World Teachers: A Summary of Their Lives and Teachings by Manly P. Hall pocket touch review download kindle

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Book description

Book description
An illustrated summary of the lives and the philosophies of twelve teachers who possessed in fullest measure those intellectual virtues which sustain civilization. Prophets in their own time, their respiration led others to more enlightened codes of living. The twelve are: -- Akhenaten-- Hermes Trismegistus-- Orpheus-- Zoroaster-- Buddha-- Confucius-- Lao-tse-- Plato-- Jesus-- Mohammed-- Padmasambhava-- Quetzalcoatl
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