OFFLINE Town by James Roy (Goodreads Author) touch page link read via

OFFLINE Town by James Roy (Goodreads Author) touch page link read via

OFFLINE Town by James Roy (Goodreads Author) touch page link read via

> READ BOOK > Town



Book description

Book description
Everyone has a story.In Town, James Roy turns his hand to the short story, using it to explore the lives of the young residents of an Australian town. This town doesnt have a name. But if it seems familiar, its because we recognise the people who walk its streets.From the serendipity of an unexpected moment of connection, to the sadness of leaving home, and the pain of the desperate decisions we make, these stories take a personal and uncompromising look at life. Love and loss, grief, humour and passion. Hope and hopelessness. Thirteen linked short stories, spanning a year in the lives of thirteen young people, from a town near you.
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