OFFLINE Three Day Passes (Jarheads Book 3) by Sean Michael mobi download free

OFFLINE Three Day Passes (Jarheads Book 3) by Sean Michael mobi download free

OFFLINE Three Day Passes (Jarheads Book 3) by Sean Michael mobi download free

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Book description
What happens when an ammunitions expert brings a baby green marine home for his own personal redneck? Sex. Lots and lots of sex. Three Day Passes explores the beginning of the relationship between Sergeant James “Rock” South, Private Richard “Dick” Main and Alex Rigger Roberts. Rock and Rig have been together a while now, and while teaching he newbies how things work has been something they’ve done together before, there’s something special about this one. Rock, Rigger and Dick spend their time and energy on the important things -- good beer, good sex, good friends and the occasional game of Truth of Dare, while dealing with the mundane (and not so mundane) complications of living the military life as they discover that love has no boundaries in this Sean Michael Classic. Originally published by Torquere Press.
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