OFFLINE The Wings of the Dove, Volume II by Henry James ipad book macbook how read kickass

OFFLINE The Wings of the Dove, Volume II by Henry James ipad book macbook how read kickass

OFFLINE The Wings of the Dove, Volume II by Henry James ipad book macbook how read kickass

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Book description
The Wings of the Dove is probably the most depressing thing Ive ever read. Not because its an overtly depressing book. No, it isnt the substance, but rather the impression the book gives off that gets the reader so down. I dont quite know how to explain it; its like Henry James is radioactive. There are invisible, undetectable rays of utter psychic devastation. James switches metaphors frequently mid-stream... Allow me: The Wings of the Dove does to the human brain what the Challenger Deep does to a styrofoam cup. Its like all of the consolidated weight of the ocean is crushing down on you. I have no literary reference, but that may actually be for the best. Many more people have seen the movies Office Space or Bridesmaids. The Wings of the Dove is like those movies. It does not actually make you want to kill yourself, but you momentarily daydream of being dead.The endless prattle of shallow, self-interested, cynical people - paired with Jamess prosaically relentless style - forced my brain to find alternatives to being there. I got in the habit of taking prescription painkillers (Im not joking) to to try and boost my enjoyment of Wings (say, the way I would a record). I also found I fell asleep a lot. I think my brain has a kill switch that James engages after five pages. I actually fell asleep at work on my lunch break trying to read this monster.I am often happy to be done with a book. I have also digested (mechanically reading the words rather than comprehending them) books - usually for class, but sometimes just so I can say Ive read some challenging piece of the canon (or just plain awful piece of the canon). Thats as pathetic, in hindsight, as Henry James itself.
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