OFFLINE The Voice of the Turtle: An Anthology of Cuban Literature by Peter R. Bush pdf information francais pc online

OFFLINE The Voice of the Turtle: An Anthology of Cuban Literature by Peter R. Bush pdf information francais pc online

OFFLINE The Voice of the Turtle: An Anthology of Cuban Literature by Peter R. Bush pdf information francais pc online

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Book description
Cubas riveting political upheavals and diverse ethnic heritage have helped create a remarkable body of literature in the twentieth century; however, this work has remained largely inaccessible to American readers. Now, in this rich anthology of Cuban stories, the work of such legends as Reinaldo Arenas, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, and Alfonso Hernandez-Cata is juxtaposed with that of younger writers such as Zoe Valdes and Jesus Vega to create a rich portrait of modern Cuban literature.The Voice of the Turtle showcases a variety of styles -- from magical realism to historical reminiscence to the experimental -- and covers a variety of topics, from the overtly political to the deeply personal. Some of these writers never left Cuba, and others have spent most of their lives exiled from their homeland; some draw on Cubas rich storytelling tradition for their inspiration, while others have looked to writers such as Kafka and Joyce.The Voice of the Turtle is the definitive anthology of Cuban fiction from this century and will appeal not only to students of world literature but to anyone interested in a good story.
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