OFFLINE The Troublesome Amputee by John Edward Lawson (Goodreads Author) apple portable book pocket writer

OFFLINE The Troublesome Amputee by John Edward Lawson (Goodreads Author) apple portable book pocket writer

OFFLINE The Troublesome Amputee by John Edward Lawson (Goodreads Author) apple portable book pocket writer

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From the introduction by Michael A. Arnzen: Welcome to one of the meatiest collections of grizzly, grotey, bizarro poetry youll come across. In other words, the good stuff. The stuff you like to read. The guilty pleasure stuff thats hard to come by. Not the stuff you used to read from your lovers or childhood heroes, or the stuff you were made to read by your teachers or parents. The stuff you genuinely like to spend time with, musing and mulling and mashing. The stuff that makes you guffaw with laughter and want to read out loud to other unsuspecting people... What theyre saying about The Troublesome Amputee: Lawsons poetry inspires, sings, dissects, and screams, reflecting his unique insight to a world willing to indulge in self-amputation: harming itself in unexplained ways. Whimsical, strange, and unflinchingly true, Lawsons work is always entertaining. Like coming home to unanswered screams, Lawsons poems weave words into unforgettable songs of sweet darkness. -Linda Addison, Bram Stoker Award winning author of Consumed, Reduced to Beautiful Grey Ashes Im a big fan of John Edward Lawsons work, and The Troublesome Amputee is by far his best poetry collection to date. Its sometimes hilariously funny, sometimes deadly serious, but always morbid (often really morbid) and thought-provoking. Any horror fan-even those who arent into poetry-should check this one out. -Jeff Strand, author of Pressure and Casket for Sale (Only Used Once) With this blistering salvo of poetic gutshots Lawson has proven himself Bizarros true bard, its mad laureate. Switching from dark whimsy to retina-blast shock to political outrage without missing a beat, The Troublesome Amputee is a powerful collection of pitch-black verse. -Jeremy Robert Johnson, author of Angel Dust Apocalypse and Skullcrack City
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