OFFLINE The Strange Death of Vincent Foster by Christopher Ruddy macbook online ebook review look

OFFLINE The Strange Death of Vincent Foster by Christopher Ruddy macbook online ebook review look

OFFLINE The Strange Death of Vincent Foster by Christopher Ruddy macbook online ebook review look

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Book description
On a humid July day in 1993, White House deputy counsel Vincent W. Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park in suburban Virginia. One of the nations highest-ranking federal officers, Foster was a boyhood friend of President Bill Clinton and a close confidant of First Lady Hilary Rodham Clinton. His death sent shock waves through the White House and the nations capital. The death was quickly pronounced a suicide. According to the official story that soon emerged, Foster was depressed, angry, and isolated. With nowhere else to turn, he went to a secluded park near the Potomac River, put a gun in his mouth, and killed himself. But is this what really happened? In this compelling and fully documented report, investigative journalist Christopher Ruddy answers that critical question. Ruddy, who has covered the case almost from the start, details the disturbing inconsistencies surrounding Fosters alleged suicide, chronicles the botched investigations, documents the frenzied illegal activity in the White House in the hours after Fosters death, and notes the persistent failure of mainstream media to ask the right question.
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