OFFLINE The Spirituality of Welcoming: How to Transform Your Congregation Into a Sacred Community by Ron Wolfson download book how download view library

OFFLINE The Spirituality of Welcoming: How to Transform Your Congregation Into a Sacred Community by Ron Wolfson download book how download view library

OFFLINE The Spirituality of Welcoming: How to Transform Your Congregation Into a Sacred Community by Ron Wolfson download book how

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Book description

Book description
A practical guide for envisioning--and transforming--your synagogue into a powerful new congregation of welcoming, learning and healing. The new synagogue we envision is a spiritual center for all those who set foot inside it. It is a kehillah kedoshah, a sacred community, where relationships are paramount, where worship is engaging, where everyone is learning, where repair of the world is a moral imperative, where healing is offered, where personal and institutional transformation are embraced. The times are ripe for this spiritual call. --from the Introduction So often we want our congregations to be more--more compelling, more member-focused, more spiritual and yet more useful for our daily lives. Through reflection, examples, tips and exercises--and incorporating the fruits of Synagogue 2000 (now Synagogue 3000), a groundbreaking decade-long program investigating the challenges facing modern synagogues--this inspiring handbook both establishes a sound foundation for why a deep hospitality is crucial for the survival of todays spiritual communities, and dives into the practical hands-on how of turning your congregation into a place of invitation and openness that includes: Prayer that is engaging, uplifting and spiritually moving - Institutional deepening that is possible because of an openness to change - Study that engages adults and families, as well as children - Good deeds--the work of social justice--as a commitment of each and every member - An ambience of welcome that creates a culture of warmth and outreach - Healing that offers comfort and support at times of illness and loss - ... and much more.
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