OFFLINE The Silent Duchess by Dacia Maraini read store amazon sale mobile

OFFLINE The Silent Duchess by Dacia Maraini read store amazon sale mobile

OFFLINE The Silent Duchess by Dacia Maraini read store amazon sale mobile

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Book description
Finalist for the International Man Booker Prize, winner of the Premio Campiello, short-listed for the Independent Foreign Fiction Award upon its first English-language publication in the UK, and published to critical acclaim in fourteen languages, this mesmerizing historical novel by one of Italy’s premier women writers is available in the United States for the first time.The Silent Duchess is the story of Marianna Ucrìa, the victim of a mysterious childhood trauma that has left her deaf and mute, trapped in a world of silence. In luminous language that conveys both the keen visual sight and the deep human insight possessed by her remarkable main character, Dacia Maraini captures the splendor and the corruption of Mariannas world and the strength of her unbreakable spirit.
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