OFFLINE The Romanian Cook Book by Anisoara Stan pc read value kickass francais

OFFLINE The Romanian Cook Book by Anisoara Stan pc read value kickass francais

OFFLINE The Romanian Cook Book by Anisoara Stan pc read value kickass francais

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Book description
You gotta love a book where the first chapter in this book isnt the obligatory chapter on appetizers, soups, or salads - instead, its eggplant. Recipes are very clearly conceptually grouped, with specialties like ciorba and mamaliga being elevated in status to deserve their own chapters, rather than being hidden away in the standard soup and grain chapters.The one glaring omission is the absence of a recipe for Cozonac cu nuca, a sweet walnut bread much beloved during the holidays (and - for me - at any other time of year), yet the holiday sales of this treat at Romanian Orthodox churches are sadly disappearing as the old bearers of tradition pass on. Ill still give five stars for the above reasons, and as there are few other english-language cookbooks attempting to fill this gap. If want to get your hands on a copy, make sure to look for a hardcover, as the paperback binding isnt too high quality, and the cover is likely to fall off :(Its out of print, but available to read on, which is a good thing if your mother wont let you borrow her copy anymore. (BTW, this book was initially published in 1951, but I dont have permissions to mod the entry).
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