OFFLINE The Right to Earn a Living: Economic Freedom and the Law by Timothy Sandefur no registration full version get download iphone

OFFLINE The Right to Earn a Living: Economic Freedom and the Law by Timothy Sandefur no registration full version get download iphone

OFFLINE The Right to Earn a Living: Economic Freedom and the Law by Timothy Sandefur no registration full version get download

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Book description
Americas founders thought the right to earn a living was so basic and obvious that it didnt need to be mentioned in the Bill of Rights. Yet today that right is burdened by a wide array of government rules and regulations that play favorites, rewrite contracts, encourage frivolous lawsuits, seize private property, and manipulate economic choices to achieve outcomes that bureaucrats favor. The Right to Earn a Living charts the history of this fundamental human right, from the constitutional system that was designed to protect it by limiting governments powers, to the Civil War Amendments that expanded protection to all Americans, regardless of race. It then focuses on the Progressive-era judges who began to erode those protections, and concludes with todays controversies over abusive occupational licensing laws, freedom of speech in advertising, regulatory takings, and much more.
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