OFFLINE The Push Pin Graphic: A Quarter Century of Innovative Design and Illustration by Seymour Chwast without signing download read kickass bookstore

OFFLINE The Push Pin Graphic: A Quarter Century of Innovative Design and Illustration by Seymour Chwast without signing download read kickass bookstore

OFFLINE The Push Pin Graphic: A Quarter Century of Innovative Design and Illustration by Seymour Chwast without signing download

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Book description
Part design and illustration studio, part pop culture think tank, Push Pin Studios made a phenomenal impact on visual culture from the 1950s to the 1980s, representing an important chapter in postwar graphic design. Founding member Seymour Chwast partners with key figures from the design community -- as well as co-founder Milton Glaser -- to provide a visual history of the studio by way of its signature publication, The Push Pin Graphic. Hundreds of memorable covers and spreads culled from each of the eighty-six inspired and imaginative issues confirms Push Pins vital role in setting the design curve and influencing the direction of modern visual style. The Push Pin Graphic is the first comprehensive account of a design milestone that continues to influence designers to this day.
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