OFFLINE The Privateer by Danielle Thorne (Goodreads Author) sale selling read how to itunes

OFFLINE The Privateer by Danielle Thorne (Goodreads Author) sale selling read how to itunes

OFFLINE The Privateer by Danielle Thorne (Goodreads Author) sale selling read how to itunes

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3.5/5.0*Clean read*First off, let me say, it takes a very talented gifted author to sink me into the emotions of a book so thoroughly that it produces a passionate enough response to rant. That being said...* All out, screaming meemie, pulling hair out, red and steamy rant forthcoming*This book almost seems to be two completely different stories beautifully running side by side to create a whole. There is the story of Julius Bertrand, the pirate/privateer whose job it is to keep the trade lanes off of San Madrid Island safe and who must discover and capture a very evil and old nemesis to do so. Then, there is the story of Katherine Spencer a pretty young lady who has come to the island to get away from scandal and help her Doctor/father assist the islanders. Both stories are very interesting and wonderfully well- written. Neither story crosses paths, however, with any regularity. In fact the only conversation these two characters have with each other is relegated to passing pleasantries, one short, heated conversation about a child and one, again short, social conversation the day before Julius asks another woman to marry him. We then follow each of their separate lives through the rest of the book - that is until the last, when Julius suddenly and out of nowhere decides Kate is the love of his life (Kate has secretly been pining for him throughout the book with no apparent reason why). Thats when things start happening fast and he sets out to save her at all cost (because he cant live without her.)What?......WHAT????? Where did that come from? I have been aching through this entire book to see some interaction and feelings grow between these two, only to be plunged into love of my life desperation at the end for no stinking reason?!?!? AGH!! It makes me want to stomp right on over to Ms. Thornes house, grab her by the shoulders and screech, You didnt (shake, shake) even let me (shake, shake) see their relationship grow (shake, shake, shake,) and now you want me to believe (shake, shake, shake, shake) in their love everlasting with absolutely NOTHING to back it up?!?! I LOVED these characters! I was cheated!! This HUGE 2 star gaffe (yep, that big) ruined my 5 star read!Ahem... (fixing hair again) Im sorry Danielle, I think you are one of the most gifted and promising authors out there right now, I will forgive you.......... this once. ;D
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