OFFLINE The New Manners & Customs of Bible Times by Ralph Gower read doc pocket how read book

OFFLINE The New Manners & Customs of Bible Times by Ralph Gower read doc pocket how read book

OFFLINE The New Manners & Customs of Bible Times by Ralph Gower read doc pocket how read book

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Book description
We know that John the Baptist ate locusts, but were they insects or sweet beans?Why did a fish swallow a coin that Jesus later used to pay the temple tax? How could walking beside a donkey have made Joseph a laughingstock?Good handling of biblical passages demands a working knowledge of the historical and cultural context in which they were written. This bestselling reference book contains colorful photography, artwork, maps, diagrams, and charts to lend knowledge of context. Additionally, there are Scripture and topical indexes for quick fact-checking. Students and teachers of the Bible will benefit from and be fascinated by the helpful features of The New Manners and Customs of Bible Times.
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