OFFLINE The Mormon Faith of Mitt Romney: What Latter-Day Saints Teach and Practice by Andrew Jackson wiki book find txt online

OFFLINE The Mormon Faith of Mitt Romney: What Latter-Day Saints Teach and Practice by Andrew Jackson wiki book find txt online

OFFLINE The Mormon Faith of Mitt Romney: What Latter-Day Saints Teach and Practice by Andrew Jackson wiki book find txt online

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Book description
Former Massachusetts governor and prominent Mormon Mitt Romney is a frontrunner in the race for the Republican nomination for president. But what is it that Mormons officially believe? Deferring to the leaders of the LDS church Romney has been tight-lipped when asked about his faith. What many Americans dont know is that Romney is himself a powerful leader in the LDS church, having served as a powerful bishop and tracing his heritage in the church to the inner circle of LDS founder Joseph Smith himself. Romneys secrecy has only served to fuel Americans suspicion of a religious group that has often been at odds with the wider culture. In this timely book, pastor and author Andrew Jackson uncovers the history, teachings and practices of Mitt Romney and his fellow Latter-day Saints. Compares them to Evangelical Christian beliefs and challenges Romney to be open and transparent to the American people about what he believes and its implications if he is elected president.
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