OFFLINE The Love of a Good Fae by Veronica Del Rosa (Goodreads Author) reading access download view format

OFFLINE The Love of a Good Fae by Veronica Del Rosa (Goodreads Author) reading access download view format

OFFLINE The Love of a Good Fae by Veronica Del Rosa (Goodreads Author) reading access download view format

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Book description
A novella in the Enforcers and Coterie series. Each one is a standalone book delving deeper into a world where magic co-exists peacefully with the ordinary, for the most part...Lilith Tremaine spends most of her time in an insane asylum, recovering from a vicious attack, or so the world believes. Craving revenge, she’d made a binding oath to the Light Fae queen, Tatiana. A mistake she can’t undo.Caymus, an elite warrior for Queen Tatiana, has always followed his queen’s wishes. His latest assignment, however, strains his loyalty. Infiltrate a warlord demon’s stronghold and retrieve a dangerous object. The prize Tatiana dangles convinces him to complete the hazardous mission – Lilith’s freedom.Feeling responsible for Lilith’s attack and subsequent oath to the queen, Caymus would do anything to free the woman he loves from a lifetime of servitude. Even if it means his own death.
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