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Book description
A plague has wiped out humanity and a new civilization emerges. Tucked safely behind their iron walls, protected from the horrors of the plague ravaged world, the citizens of this community live as if the rest of the world doesn’t exist. Their own ways of life are often comical and heartbreaking. But it’s their world … welcome to Beginnings, Montana.The Inner Struggle is the seventh book in the series. It is far from a dead world outside the lively walls of Beginnings. The Caceres Society needs what Beginnings has and they will stop at nothing to get it. Each day they grow in numbers, strength and technology.A team of Beginnings’ men, led by Robbie, not only discover the deadly virus set to wipe out Beginnings, they are infected with it. The battle is on against the new plague and against time as Dean fights to find a cure before it hits and before he loses his sight completely. His valiant attempts are thwarted at every corner by an mysterious insider working for George. The mystery begins to build.Inner Struggle delivers the quirky and comical life of the Beginnings’ residents while adding the intensity of their fight against the virus, their inner struggles and the inner demons that threaten to bring down their sanctity walls.
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