OFFLINE The Historical Atlas of the World At War by Brenda Ralph Lewis price cheap book selling francais

OFFLINE The Historical Atlas of the World At War by Brenda Ralph Lewis price cheap book selling francais

OFFLINE The Historical Atlas of the World At War by Brenda Ralph Lewis price cheap book selling francais

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Book description
The Historical Atlas series explores pivotal events and areas of cultural interest in great detail. Most books in this series are available both in hardcover, and in paperback with flaps, and the interior pages are illustrated throughout with full-color maps, diagrams, photographs, and charts. The series offers readers a clear, easy-to-follow narrative of the subjects that have shaped human history ranging from wars to religions, and from ancient cultures to transportation.The Historical Atlas of the World at War details the history of war, from the tribal origins of war to the major world wars of the twentieth century. War has shadowed the whole of human history, featuring its greatest triumphs and greatest tragedies, and underlying all of it, the paramount need of all living things to survive. With thoroughly researched text and illuminating illustrations, this volume the complete spectrum of war, accompanied by highly detailed maps, beautifully designed, charting the key events of the various wars that have shaped the world as we know it today.Over the centuries the methods of war have changed beyond all recognition, but the reasons for war remain the same—desire for territory and resources, ideology and strategic disputes. The Historical Atlas of the World at War analyzes military development from Ancient times to the present. There is emphasis throughout on the weaponry, and the fighters who used them, as well as detailed analysis of military strategy, with accurate charts showing the tactics deployed in the most significant battles and maps charting the movements of troops and armies in major campaigns stretching across continents. 
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