OFFLINE The Hell-Raiser by Rhonda Nelson (Goodreads Author) free android audio selling djvu

OFFLINE The Hell-Raiser by Rhonda Nelson (Goodreads Author) free android audio selling djvu

OFFLINE The Hell-Raiser by Rhonda Nelson (Goodreads Author) free android audio selling djvu

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Book description
Sarah Jane Walker was ready to kiss her inheritance goodbye once her greedy stepmother hired security expert Mick Chivers--aka the Hell-Raiser. Sexy Mick was bound to figure out that his new assignment wasnt above breaking a few rules--or laws--in her desperate plan to recover her family legacy. Yet even with the cell door practically slamming, Sarahs knees felt like jelly whenever she looked into Micks old-soul eyes.Those baby-blues told her the daredevil was a law unto himself. They said hed overcome incredible odds to win.And they dared the smart-mouthed Southern belle to take her best shot--and raise a little hell with him!
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