OFFLINE The Great Dinosaur Atlas by William Lindsay download book txt

OFFLINE The Great Dinosaur Atlas by William Lindsay download book txt

OFFLINE The Great Dinosaur Atlas by William Lindsay download book txt

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Book description
IT TAKES SOMETHING BIG TO DRAG A KID AWAY FROM TV--DINOSAURSOur bumper book of dinosaurology can lure young minds into a study of the world in which we live. Along with the laws of geography, they get lively doses of geology, botany, zoology, climatology, archaeology...all in terms that are particularly appealing to kids. Along with detailed maps, the extra large pages are packed with splendid four-color pictures of the big boys themselves, the world they lived in, the way a dino dig is conducted, and all the info that makes you grateful they vanished in a puff of meteor smoke about 64 million years ago. Color illus. 14 x 10 3/4 inch.
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