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OFFLINE The Grand Tour 1592-1796 by Roger Hudson (Editor) francais ebook access online offline

OFFLINE The Grand Tour 1592-1796 by Roger Hudson (Editor) francais ebook access online offline

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Book description
THE GRAND TOUR. (1993). Roger Hudson (ed.). ****. The Grand Tour was almost a rite of passage for the wealthier members of British society from the end of the 16th century to the end of the 18th century. Its purpose was to spend time in selected areas of Europe to soak up knowledge of the arts of antiquity. In this compilation from diaries and memoirs of famous writers and other personalities spanning this period, we get a variety of impressions about the various legs of the journey – usually taking from one to three years – from a variety of viewpoints. We are treated to selections from the writers of these impressions including Robert Adam (architect, 1728-1792), Joseph Addison (diplomat, 1672-1719), James Boswell (lawyer and companion to Dr. Johnson, 1740-1795), Edward Gibbon (historian, 1737-1794), Thomas Gray (poet, 1716-71), and Laurence Sterne (clergyman and author, 1713-1768). This is only a partial list of the contributers to this volume from The Folio Society that is also extensively illustrated with paintings and drawings from the period. I was amazed at the differences in opinions among the various travelers who, mostly, visited the same areas on their respective tours. There have been many studies printed about the phenomenon of the Grand Tour, but none with such a wide range of inputs. Recommended.
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