OFFLINE The Football Business: Fair Game in the 90s? by Hushion House Staff book pocket download writer without signing

OFFLINE The Football Business: Fair Game in the 90s? by Hushion House Staff book pocket download writer without signing

OFFLINE The Football Business: Fair Game in the 90s? by Hushion House Staff book pocket download writer without signing

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Book description
In The Football Business, David Conn examines the changed game of football in the 90s and analyses the transformations of clubs such as Manchester United, Newcastle United, Tottenham Hotspur and others into stockmarket money-making machines. Why have so many top football clubs been taken over by businessmen? What have the changes meant to supporters? Why, with football enjoying phenomenal new wealth, are some Nationwide League clubs facing financial ruin? This book searches behind English footballs hype to ask what has really happened, what has been gained, and what has been lost as football has ceased to be a game and become a business.
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