OFFLINE The Cultural Politics of Emotion by Sara Ahmed read txt on ipad

OFFLINE The Cultural Politics of Emotion by Sara Ahmed read txt on ipad

OFFLINE The Cultural Politics of Emotion by Sara Ahmed read txt on ipad

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Book description
there was a point in the middle where it felt like she was just listing different emotions and jotting down some thoughts on them and it wasnt clear how it all fit together. and Im not totally sold on her semiotic angle on emotions. but the opening chapter on pain and the final chapters on queerness and feminism were great and worked very well together. I was especially moved by the discussion in feminist attachments on wonder and hope as affective states that open us up to social change. like, I was stuttering with joy when I tried to explain it to people. it works better as part of the book but if you dont have time to read the whole thing, Id highly recommend that chapter to anyone involved in feminist organising.
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