OFFLINE The Complete Photo Guide to Beading by Robin Atkins sale price value ios online

OFFLINE The Complete Photo Guide to Beading by Robin Atkins sale price value ios online

OFFLINE The Complete Photo Guide to Beading by Robin Atkins sale price value ios online

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Book description
This comprehensive reference fully explores the various types of beadwork, including beading on fabric, fringing, bead weavings, bead embroidery, and beaded jewelry. With easy-to-follow organization, this guide provides step-by-step directions and 500 full color photos for clear understanding. Basic projects provide opportunities for crafters to try the techniques, and galleries of unique beaded designs and creations by various bead artists offer beautiful examples and inspiration. It’s the only book you need to get started on beadwork. Begin your beading adventure today with The Complete Photo Guide to Beading!
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