OFFLINE The Complete Idiots Guide to Spells and Spellcraft by Cathy Jewell txt german pc download review

OFFLINE The Complete Idiots Guide to Spells and Spellcraft by Cathy Jewell txt german pc download review

OFFLINE The Complete Idiots Guide to Spells and Spellcraft by Cathy Jewell txt german pc download review

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Book description

Book description
Cast a little magic...100 spells included.This source book reveals the recipes and the magical tools necessary to master the art of spellcasting. Based on Wiccan beliefs, it shows spell practicioners how to use runes, candles, crystals, incense, herbs, astrology, and other means to create good fortune. It also explains the traditions involved in celebrating the Wiccan holidays Esbats and Sabbats, and much more.
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