OFFLINE The Chinese Kitchen: Recipes, Techniques, Ingredients, History, And Memories From Americas Leading Authority On Chinese Cooking by Eileen Yin-Fei Lo online full buy text how read

OFFLINE The Chinese Kitchen: Recipes, Techniques, Ingredients, History, And Memories From Americas Leading Authority On Chinese Cooking by Eileen Yin-Fei Lo online full buy text how read

OFFLINE The Chinese Kitchen: Recipes, Techniques, Ingredients, History, And Memories From Americas Leading Authority On Chinese

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Book description

Book description
Eileen Yin-Fei Lo, author of award-winning cookbooks, menu developer for top Asian restaurants, and cooking teacher, presents her lifes work. Reflecting on her life in food, including her childhood in Canton, China, where she learned to cook at her grandmothers side, Eileen has created an exhaustive cookbook of extensive scope. Everything about Chinese cooking has cultural significance, and much of what Eileen talks about in this book has never appeared in print before in the English language.There are more than 250 recipes in all, including many classic banquet-style recipes, quite a number presented for the first time in the traditional manner, from Peking Duck to Beggars Chicken. Dozens of the techniques for preparing these elaborate recipes are shown in full-color photographs in the color insert as well. Eileen also includes many of her own creations, such as infused oils and rich, flavorful stocks, essential for cooks who are serious about mastering the ancient art of Chinese cooking.Everything is here: dim sum, congees, stir-fries, rice dishes, noodles, bean curd, meat dishes, and more. For anyone who loves Asian cuisines, this is the ultimate cookbook, and for cookbook lovers and aspiring food professionals, this is required reading.
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