OFFLINE The Book of Bourbon: And Other Fine American Whiskeys by Gary Regan online touch offline macbook author

OFFLINE The Book of Bourbon: And Other Fine American Whiskeys by Gary Regan online touch offline macbook author

OFFLINE The Book of Bourbon: And Other Fine American Whiskeys by Gary Regan online touch offline macbook author

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Book description
Single-malt scotch swept North American during the 1980s. Now, the same connoisseurs, curious consumers and longtime bourbon-only drinkers are vividly seeking out the new batch of Americas own homegrown whiskys - both the boutique bottlings and the sturdy old standbys. The Regans explore the king of American whisky from its humble backwoods origins to its humble modern refinements, including a wealth of lore, anecdotes, and history, along with tasting notes and more than 50 recipes.
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