OFFLINE The Best Damn Thing by B.A. Tortuga (Goodreads Author) read mobi on iphone

OFFLINE The Best Damn Thing by B.A. Tortuga (Goodreads Author) read mobi on iphone

OFFLINE The Best Damn Thing by B.A. Tortuga (Goodreads Author) read mobi on iphone

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Book description
Jim sure doesn’t want to get into the middle of it when the guys on his construction crew start messing with Collin, the new, and queer, guy in town. He will if he has to, though, because he doesn’t believe in letting anyone call a man out for being gay. Foreman Walker doesn’t like the idea any more than Jim does, but he’s perfectly happy to let Jim get in the middle with him and Collin…This story is part of the 2011 Charity Sip Blitz collection. More than thirty authors have written short fiction pieces and have agreed to donate all proceeds of the sales of these stories to the It Gets Better Project. Torquere Press Inc. will match the authors donations completely.
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