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OFFLINE The Astrology Of Space: Astrophysical Directions by Michael Erlewine phone shop full version ipad download

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Book description
Astrologer Michael Erlewine pioneered deep-space astrology back in 1976 when he published his book Astrophysical Directions, a book long out of print and selling for $300 on This is an updated version from Erlewine himself of that classic work with all new illustrations. The book is 512 pages with 162 full-color diagrams and illustrations, and contains thousands of key stellar and deep-space points all described and converted into easy-to-use astrological zodiac format. You can read about any celestial object, see how to interpret it, and plug it into your own natal chart to see how it affects you. This book takes the reader from the surface of the earth itself (using copious diagrams) and explains the basic astronomy of modern astrology. Erlewine then ventures beyond the earth to the near stars, the Local System of stars, and out to our Galaxy, local Supergalaxy, and beyond showing readers first how to understand and then interpret the vast number of celestial objects beyond Earth. The sky above us has not changed much in millions of years, but how we see that sky and how much of it we see has changed forever in our lifetimes. A revolution in astronomy has taken place, as astronomers and physicists venture beyond the visual spectrum and began to see the actual shape and form of the universe. The pinpoint stars that we have been staring at for centuries are literally just the tip of the iceberg, like the eyes in the human body. The shape of the body of the universe itself has now been partially revealed and it is beautiful indeed. Erlewine explains and catalogs these deep space points, objects like radio, infrared, and X-ray stars, Pulsars, Quasars, and Black Holesnot to mention the fixed stars. Michael Erlewine is an internationally-known astrologer with over 40 years of experience as an author, teacher, and counselor. Aside from founding Matrix Software (the first astrological software company), Erlewine is also an Internet content pioneer, founding sites like,,,, and many others. He has authored more than 13 books on astrology and over a dozen books on music and film. You can Google Michael Erlewine or go to http: // for more details.
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