OFFLINE The Ass Is A Poor Receptacle For The Head: Why Democrats Suck At Communication, And How They Could Improve by Barry Eisler (Goodreads Author) page reader itunes read touch

OFFLINE The Ass Is A Poor Receptacle For The Head: Why Democrats Suck At Communication, And How They Could Improve by Barry Eisler (Goodreads Author) page reader itunes read touch

OFFLINE The Ass Is A Poor Receptacle For The Head: Why Democrats Suck At Communication, And How They Could Improve by Barry Eisler

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Book description
Regardless of what you think of their policies, the sad truth is that Democrats suck at selling their ideas to the public. In this hilarious and hard-hitting essay (about 10,000 words, or about 50 pages in paper), best-selling novelist and political blogger Barry Eisler draws on his expertise in narrative, his CIA training in persuasion, his time as an international intellectual property lawyer, and his background in technology marketing to offer Democrats some sound advice on how to improve their communications strategy. Borrowing principles from judo and boxing; using examples from advertising, movies, plays, speeches, and debates; and offering case studies of actual policy rollout successes and disasters, Eisler encourages Democrats to force Republicans to fight on Democratic terms, to use Republicans own moves against them, and to not just slip a punch, but to hammer their opponents into a rhetorical corner and knock them the hell out.
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