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Park Romney, a 2nd cousin to presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, deconstructs Mormon epistemology, exposing the fraud of the religion, with its own scripture as evidence.The epistemology of Mormonism is its most profoundly relevant device in accomplishing the psychological repression that is essential for its survival. Park Romney not only exposes this device, but painstakingly documents its doctrinal roots in Mormon scripture and then walks the reader through the intricate application of the philosophical and psychological and sociological mechanics of this device throughout the Mormon missionary process and subsequent cultural experience.Park Romneys analysis can be applied with interest to the dizzying political spin of Mitt Romneys candidacy for US. President, but the principles Romney explains in The Apostasy of a High Priest are not necessarily unique to Mormonism. They are applicable to an analysis of organized religion and other business institutions on a global scale; these principles have broad application to the understanding of Truth. Many readers who know little about Mormonism might well find Park Romneys book an enlightening and provocative read as it applies to the universal deception by any powerful elite governing group over its governed. I highly recommend the book not only as a view into Mormon epistemology, but as a hard look at what passes for Truth in a world that increasingly manipulates its consumers.
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