OFFLINE Taken by Desiree Broussard (Goodreads Author) mobi online reading

OFFLINE Taken by Desiree Broussard (Goodreads Author) mobi online reading

OFFLINE Taken by Desiree Broussard (Goodreads Author) mobi online reading

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Book description
Keely was used to fighting to survive. It was the only way to live in the ruined and ravaged remains of humanity. Never in her wildest dreams did she really believe that vampires were real. At least she didnt until the night she was abducted. Taken and held captive with four other women, they quickly learn the reason for their abduction. Due to a genetic fluke, their blood contains the v factor... And the vampires want them to repopulate their world. Expected to participate in a market and pick a mate, Keely is floored by her attraction to the sexy vampire that guards her. But hes not the only one that wants her. Keely realizes that all of the vampires are hot, horny, and ready to mate, but how can any female choose?
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