OFFLINE Survivals in Old Norwegian of Medieval English, French, and german Literature, Together with Latin Versions of the Heroic Legend of Walter of Aquitaine by H.M. Smyser book epub online

OFFLINE Survivals in Old Norwegian of Medieval English, French, and german Literature, Together with Latin Versions of the Heroic Legend of Walter of Aquitaine by H.M. Smyser book epub online

OFFLINE Survivals in Old Norwegian of Medieval English, French, and german Literature, Together with Latin Versions of the Heroic

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> ONLINE BOOK > Survivals in Old Norwegian of Medieval English, French, and german Literature, Together with Latin Versions of the Heroic Legend of Walter of Aquitaine

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Book description

Book description
This collection is a lot like the same authors collection of material on Walter of Aquitaine, but with geographical focus rather than a character based collection, covering France, Germany and England. The first section of the book translates selections from the Norse Karlamagnus Saga and Strengleikar that contain parallels to the Chason De Geste and the works of Marie de France.The vast majority of the book collects passages from the Thidrekssaga af Bern and includes the sections on Walter of Aquitaine and the section that parallels the Old High German Hildebrandslied. One of the real highlights of the collection is a translation of the Niflunga Saga which parallels the second half of the Nibelungenlied. The importance of the Niflunga Saga was established by Andreas Heusler many years ago and is thought to be a Norse version of an earlier German version that was known to and used as source material by the poet of the Nibelungenlied. The preface to the Saga is also included because of the importance attached to it by scholars who see in it various clues on how medieval texts were written.Of interest to students of Old English Literature are the translations of the Velents þáttr smiðs from the Thidrekssaga, which tells the story of Wayland the Smith and bears a more striking resemblance to the English version in Deor and the pictorial representation on the Franks Casket than the Eddic Völundarkviða does. The Old English Waldere is also taken care of by a complete translation of the Latin Waltharius. This is a good collection of parallel material that wouldve gained four stars if it wouldve contained a translation of the three chapters from the Thidrekssaga that tell the story of Siegfrieds youth and dragon fight episode. It wouldve probably benefited from the inclusion of the Heldenschau section of the Thidrekssaga for the parallels to the Rosengarten zu Worms.
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