OFFLINE State-by-state Guide (United States Of America) by Millie Miller direct link book mp3 find how download

OFFLINE State-by-state Guide (United States Of America) by Millie Miller direct link book mp3 find how download

OFFLINE State-by-state Guide (United States Of America) by Millie Miller direct link book mp3 find how download

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Book description
This portable state-by-state guide, superbly illustrated in watercolor, identifies each states official state bird, flower, and insect along with other fun facts and points of interest.This book exhibits all of the diversity of the American states even as it ties the country into one awesome entity. The authors inclusion of endangered species, biographical sketches on the famous Americans from each state, inventions, resources, records, and so much more make this a unique and multi-dimensional work. But it is the art and the treatment of the information that makes this book so special. With a light-handed, fresh approach, and tremendous respect for their subject, the author-artists succeed in painting a truly beautiful portrait of America.
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