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OFFLINE Sing Your Heart Out by Crystal Kaswell (Goodreads Author) buy amazon bookstore download epub

OFFLINE Sing Your Heart Out by Crystal Kaswell (Goodreads Author) buy amazon bookstore download epub

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Book description
Good girls dont date rock stars.They certainly dont have rock star friends with benefits.Still a virgin at 21, Meg Smart walks a straight and narrow path. She aces her classes, excels at her part time job, and carefully avoids trouble--no drinks, no drugs, and especially, no boyfriends.Rock star Miles Webb doesnt do boyfriend. He skips over intimacy and love in favor of easy distraction--a beautiful woman under him, screaming his name. Meg is drawn to the pain in his gorgeous, tortured voice. But the man she hears on the radio is nothing like the player she meets at a mutual friends house party. When she walks in on one of his trysts, shes embarrassed enough to die. His merciless teasing leaves her blushed and frustrated, but shes intrigued by his wit, his confidence, his casual offer to give her a night shell never forget.Neither of them wants a relationship, so they strike up an arrangement: Theyll be friends with benefits, nothing more, nothing less. There are only three rules: no secrets, no feelings, no falling in love.Only neither one of them can quite abide by the terms.***Sing Your Heart Out is a full-length, standalone new adult romance in the Sinful Serenade Series.***
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