OFFLINE Shonjir by C.J. Cherryh (Goodreads Author) online iBooks prewiew german touch

OFFLINE Shonjir by C.J. Cherryh (Goodreads Author) online iBooks prewiew german touch

OFFLINE Shonjir by C.J. Cherryh (Goodreads Author) online iBooks prewiew german touch

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Book description
SF legend John Campbell once challenged his colleagues to show him an alien that thinks as well or better than a man, but not LIKE a man. Well C.J. Cherryh said “you got it big boy” and has made a living doing just that. The Faded Sun Trilogy, is another strong example of Cherryh’s talent for creating well-drawn, three-dimensional alien races that are highly intelligent but differ from humans in both their motivations and their outlook. Overall I liked this story and enjoy Cherryh’s detailed description of alien cultures….. …..BUT……..prepare yourself, caveats and qualifications dead ahead……. Nonetheless, I must WARN you that the pace of this book is slooooooooooooooooooooooow to the point of being glacial and is almost completely devoid of action. Instead, Cherryh gives us a layered, psychological study of the interaction between our human and alien main characters as they struggle to overcome the biases of their societal world-views in order to connect and reach a place of understanding. Most of the conflict and drama of the story stems from the internal battles of the characters as these cultural barriers are broken down. Now I enjoy this kind of story as a pleasant change of pace from the action-orientated SF stories I often read. However, if the above sounds eerily similar to watching paint drying, than you may want to just move along as this may not be for you. However, if you do decide to pass on this then you will miss out on book 3 which I understand is much more action-orientated and a great conclusion to the series. Your choice….decisions, decisions. BRIEF RECAP OF BACK STORY:This series takes place within the Alliance-Union universe where most of Cherryh’s stories are set. This trilogy focuses on the human war with the alien Regul. The Reguls are obese, sedentary “Jabba the Hutt” type merchants who don’t personally engage in combat, but fight through mercenaries, specifically a group of bad-ass desert-dwelling, monk-like ninjas who can really bring the pain. However, despite the Mri’s elite killing ability, the humans, through sheer numbers, have gained the upper hand and the Mri are on the brink of extinction. This military setback has damaged the influence of the more “hawkish” Regul political factions and allowed the “dovish” Regul faction to gain the upper hand and sue for peace with the humans. Thus, the first book, Kesrith, dealt with the aftermath of the human-regul peace treaty and the ceding of disputed territories, including the home planet of the Mri known, to the humans. In preparation for a human takeover, ambassador George Stavros and his assistant, former special forces soldier Sten Duncan were transported by the Regul to Kesrith in order to begin the orderly transition of administration of the planet under the terms of the new treaty.PLOT SUMMARY:**For those of you that have not read the first book in the trilogy, the plot summary below will contain some spoilers regarding the events of Kesrith so you may want to blur your vision and skip over the Plot Summary and jump to “Thoughts” below.**Shon’Jir begins in the aftermath of the mostly successful attempt by the alien Regul to exterminate the Mri living on Kesrith. The only surviving Mri, Niun and Melein, have been badly injured and are help captive by the human forces where they are given medical attention for their owwies. Sten Duncan, who has grown to admire and respect the Mri, is outraged by the Regul’s attempted genocide, but the powers that be (i.e., Ambassador Stavros) is unwilling to take action due to the fragile political situation. Instead, Duncan and the two Mri, once recovered, are provided coordinates transcribed from a Mri artifact that may lead to the legendary homeworld of the Mri. The three set off...but they are not the only ones interested in finding the Mri homeworld and intrigue, tension and much maneuvering ensues. THOUGHTS:Cherryh is terrific at fostering in the reader a sense of understanding and connection with an alien culture and she succeeds again in this book. By the end of this installment the Mri remain both alien and yet very relatable. This is where I find other writers often fall down in their treatment of alien cultures. Too often, the alien culture becomes more relatable by becoming more “human” which really defeats the purpose of an alien culture. Cherryh, as usual, avoids that. Despite the positives, this installment gets dropped down a star from book 1 for two main reasons. The first is the pacing, which as I mentioned above is sometimes geological in its slowness. In addition, the writing is at times a bit dry. We’re not talking stale, unbuttered toast here, but just a casual dryness that will leave your peepers a little parched for moisture. I dont need ray guns and space battles, but was hoping for a bit more oomph from the story and ended up a little disappointed even though I enjoyed it. You may be thinking that slow pacing and dry prose don’t often get rewarded with even 3 stars, but that is a reflection of the quality of the story and Cherryh’s excellent writing skills which make this book worth the effort in my opinion. Plus, the ending of this installment was superb and leaves book 3 poised to be a very satisfying ending to the trilogy. Book 1 being as good as it was and book 3 looking as promising as it does, you just have to kind of work your way through book 2. Heck, its still good and is not what I would call a chore to get through.…just keep some eye drops handy. 3.0 stars.
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