OFFLINE Sea Urchin by Laura Knetzger audio find store price download

OFFLINE Sea Urchin by Laura Knetzger audio find store price download

OFFLINE Sea Urchin by Laura Knetzger audio find store price download

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Book description

Book description
A nicely done, small comic exploring the different feelings and emotions that come within depression and how it effects ones creativity. I liked the stream of consciousness narrative style, it really felt like the author let us into her head and exposed her most emotional, personal thoughts. I thought it was a really good way of expressing what depression feels like, and I can definitely relate to quite a few things shes said, whether Ive felt them recently since Ive stated college or in the last few years. It was really short, so while there were some nice lines that held a lot of power, I felt like the was more she could have gotten into or explored. I wanted a little more considering the topic and how deep it got at some small points, I guess. There wasnt enough that really wow-ed me to a point where I would give it more than 3 stars, but I definitely enjoyed it (3 stars is a solid rating in my opinion). Nice little comic. Thanks to Landfall Freight for sending this to me!!
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