OFFLINE Scandinavian Needlecraft: 35 step-by-step projects to create the Scandinavian home by Clare Youngs value selling read itunes djvu

OFFLINE Scandinavian Needlecraft: 35 step-by-step projects to create the Scandinavian home by Clare Youngs value selling read itunes djvu

OFFLINE Scandinavian Needlecraft: 35 step-by-step projects to create the Scandinavian home by Clare Youngs value selling read itunes

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Book description

Book description
Fans of the clean, elegant lines of traditional Scandinavian style are sure to be inspired by the 35 sewing projects in this book. Incorporating the finest elements of Scandinavian crafting traditions, inspiration is taken from a range of backgrounds including classic folk art, as well as more contemporary sources. These delightful designs, each with clear step-by-step instructions and beautiful photography, will have you itching to get stitching. Arranged into five chapters, the projects work with a wide variety of fabrics: there are adorable fleece and felt baby bootees finished with French knots, classic embroidered gingham napkins, and a striped machine-embroidered apron. A wide range of techniques are employed, including appliqué, cut work, patchwork, decorative machine stitching, shadow work, and ribbon work. Basic stitches such as herringbone, cross stitch, Danish knots, blanket stitch, and satin stitch are also used to great effect. Simplicity is always at the heart of Clare’s designs, and with step-by-step artworks and such clear instructions, anyone can have a go and will be surprised how quickly beautiful pieces can be made.
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