OFFLINE Santa, Honey by Kate Angell text how download book selling mp3

OFFLINE Santa, Honey by Kate Angell text how download book selling mp3

OFFLINE Santa, Honey by Kate Angell text how download book selling mp3

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Book description
Ho, Humbug, HoBy Nationally Bestselling Author KATE ANGELLForced into a scratchy white beard and a red velvet suit two sizes too small, hotshot ballplayer Alex Boxer knows his goose is cooked when the woman supervising his community service turns out to be cute as a Christmas elf but channelling the nutcracker.Naughty or NiceBy New York Times Bestselling Author SANDRA HILLAnyone can hold up a convenience store on Christmas Eve. But to do it impersonating Santa Claus, on behalf of a nun, handcuffed to a gorgeous hostage--that takes brass...bells.Christmas UnpluggedBy USA Today Bestselling Author JOY NASHTwo sisters, plus two brothers, plus one romantic Christmas weekend at Dutch Lodge with zero electricity. It all adds up to a sleigh load of mix-ups, breakups and happily-ever-after hookups.
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