OFFLINE Reconstructing 3/11: Earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown - how Japans future depends on its understanding of the 2011 triple disaster by Jake Adelstein (Goodreads Author) download txt

OFFLINE Reconstructing 3/11: Earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown - how Japans future depends on its understanding of the 2011 triple disaster by Jake Adelstein (Goodreads Author) download txt

OFFLINE Reconstructing 3/11: Earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown - how Japans future depends on its understanding of the 2011

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Book description

Book description
One year after Japan was devastated by the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown in March, 2011, and all the problems this triple disaster caused are still not fixed. And the hard questions raised by the responses to the 3/11 crisis of both the Japanese government and the media still remain mostly, and unfortunately, unanswered.“Reconstructing 3/11”, the first eBook from electronic publisher Abiko Free Press, draws on the experiences and expertise of noted journalists, independent writers, and Japan experts to take a close and insightful look at various facets of the 3/11 Disaster. From an assessment of what the Kan administration did right, to a first-hand account of what it took to volunteer for clean-up after the disaster, to an analysis of how Japan’s yakuza gangsters actually proved a force for good during the early stages of disaster recovery, “Reconstructing 3/11” reports on angles and attitudes about that fateful day which you likely didn’t get from your conventional media outlets.Contributors to “Reconstructing 3/11” include Tokyo Vice author Jake Adelstein, M.I.T. Center for International Studies researcher Michael Cucek, Japan Times journalist Philip Brasor, and Kiyoshi Kurokawa, chairman and co-founder of Impact Japan, a think tank dedicated to fostering recovery in the Tohoku region through entrepreneurship and technology.
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